Hardware Canucks: Audioengine D3 DAC Review

The D3 DAC may be the perfect solution for your portable needs if the built-in DAC on your notebook/ MacBook just doesn't cut it. The linear and clean response should excite most audio enthusiast that like the reference sound.

Speaking of Audioengine's D3 USB DAC, have a go at Hardware Canucks's video review (embedded above), which in my opinion, is the most-helpful D3 review out there. Actually, Hardware Canuck's reviews of products from mice to cameras, are incredible. 

My review will be out this evening at Headfonia.

Speaking of the Aurender FLOW - Anakchan reviews it at headfi

Sean Chan has published an early review of it at Head-fi. It's worth a read.

The Flow has just taken over my Cypherlabs stack in that respect of “presenting a big sound”. The Flow has been able to just make the sound bigger, larger, wider, deeper. I’m actually comparing the Flow to my Invicta/Zana Deux desktop gear - although not up to that level it’s mightily close at a fraction of the cost. So despite the somewhat clinical tonal presentation, it’s width and depth presentation on the other hand makes the overall music sound so palatable to the ears.