The Economics Problem (of mirrorless cameras)

Another salient essay from Thom Hogan about the non-growth of the mirrorless market when looked at from outside the market for interchangeable lens cameras. 

Back when I started this site three years ago, I thought that mirrorless would grow faster than it has. In one way it has: there are more products and more players stuffed into the mirrorless market then I thought it could support, even with strong growth. But right now the growth isn’t really there. Mirrorless makers that are growing are stealing share from someone else.

Thom is more of a level-headed gear guy than I am. I'm the guy looking for soul and a long-lasting reason to invest in a single mount. So far, I see none. Even Fujifilm's X mount, as sexy as it may appear on the outside, doesn't harbour the soul of an analogue camera. So far, it is just a pretty face.

Not that either soul (or face) is necessary for success. But the missing pieces that brought Japanese cameras into dominance in the 20th century: price/performance, reliability, and mass market dominance, aren't there on the mirrorless side. Those pieces are being picked up by the smartphone market. 

Which begs the question: for whom is the current mirrorless camera designed?

Source: The Economics Problem