While Fujifilm X fans debate endlessly whether or not the hybrid OVF should be completely replaced by an EVF, Leica fans are staunch in their support of the integrated rangefinder/focusing window.
The few dissenters raise suggestions such as the following:
“Perhaps they could replace the Frame Line device with a transparent EVF screen. It would be in the optical path of the RF mechanism, so the RF would still be mechanical, but the Frame lines would be via the EVF. They could then overly all kinds of focus assist solutions.
A lot of people would not like that, however it would allow for the display of a single Frame-line based on the 6-bit coding, and perhaps autofocus capabilities for a new generation of lenses. If we look at the changes between the M9 and M240 then we have to assume then next M will offer a similar step up.
I like the film cameras more and more (3 dials and one button), would be happy with an affordable M60 to complement a _more_ digital M380.”
But speculation rises every three or four years in Leica camp as current products reach ostensible end-of-life cycles. Near Consensus is possible among Leica fans because the M system itself is much better targeted toward the best customers for the M.
Fujifilm makes do with people coming up from P&S cameras and down, from dSLRs; users that want everything all the time, and are ready and willing to jump ship at the drop of a hat.
Source: Should the next M have a Hybrid Viewfinder? - Leica User Forum