Grado fans, and fans of portable and home headphone audio everywhere, you owe it to yourself to get acquainted with Grado. Thanks to Headfonics' interview with Jonathan Grado, vice president of Grado's marketing department, you can. As many of you know, Grado aren't the typical commodity headphone maker. In their own words:
“We don’t come out with new headphones every 6 months, every year, etc. We don’t have a set revision timeframe. We found a way to make the sound better so we started expanding on that, and a few years later we had The e Series. We’d only come out with something new when we think it’s a worthy improvement and produces a sound we’re proud of.”
Alas, this modus operandi is practically nonexistent in the general headphone world. It is, in fact, anathema to the spam method employed by companies like Audio Technica and Sony, that make dozens upon dozens of models a year in order to keep a good display section up at Yodobashi.
Full article: Grado goes “e” – An Interview with Jonathan Grado