Currawong, Headfi's prim and knowledgeable moderator-extraorindaire, has, at long last, published his review of the excellent ALO Studio Six headphone amp. Generally, and with good reason, he is ecstatic. But without intending to detract from the original text, I will point out that while Curra and I both agree that the Studio Six is an unwavering delight of power and resolution for headphones, we each await an ALO Audio power amp.
“The performance of the amp is so unwavering that even if one plugs 4 completely different pairs of headphones in, even IEMs, the performance through any single pair does not change in the slightest. The question I had at the end of it all was not about whether the amp is worth it, but why it didn’t have speaker outputs. Ken Ball’s reply to this question was to send me a custom cable with a headphone plug on one end and speaker banana plugs on the other.”
For those with short memories, here is what I wrote about the Studio Six.