Subject: ALO Rx IEM amplifier
ohmage: RMAA: ALO Audio Rx 24-bit
If your ALO Rx's gain is a bit too aggressive, contact ALO. They'll tailor it to your sensitive earphones. Or, if you need more gain, they'll do the same thing in reverse. And, as always, they've got a 30-day money back guarantee just in case.
Headfier 1TrickPony, has a load of good to say about ALO's customer service, which ends on this note:
“I think Ken deserves an apology because I did not want “a good deed to go unpunished” (I hope I wrote that correctly lol). He has been available throughout, patient and devoted, with nothing but good intentions to back up his work.”
Remember, the new Rx is one of the the most stable amps out there, and certainly is the most stable high-performance portable amp I've tested. As long as its gain is right for your earphones, it is a killer value.